Pickle ball Playground
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Pickle ball Playground and were last updated on 12/7/23.
Extra sanitation
Ensuring a safe and clean environment is paramount for everyone utilizing our tennis court facility. We uphold strict safety measures and cleanliness standards to provide a secure and enjoyable experience for all players. Sanitization protocols are diligently followed to maintain cleanliness.
Limited capacity
Maximum capacity is up to 4 pax
Equipment policies
Balls and Rackets are provided. We kindly request all players to adhere to safety guidelines, such as proper footwear, to prevent accidents. Your well-being is our priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a safe and clean tennis court environment for everyone to enjoy.
Fri, Feb 7
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Pickle ball Playground Reviews
4.326 ratings
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How to prepare